Monday, April 4, 2016

Where is Exhumana?

It has been nearly two years since my last progress update on Exhumana. I just wanted to leave some explanation here as to why that is, as well as where the project is going next.

There has been a script for a graphic novel called "Exhumana: Initiate" sitting on my hard drive in completed form since the end of March in 2014. However, following that year's pursuing (and ultimately abandoning) an entire potential career path and my subsequent return to writing, I realised that the work in evidence reflected neither my growth as a writer nor my actual creative intentions.

After this, I attempted to rewrite the entire story -- to reflect what I now thought was the true Exhumana story that I had wanted to tell. Readers have probably already guessed that this was a failure, especially if you yourself are a comics writer. Over all, it was an ill-considered plan.

I loved the world created in that story and was excited to continue narrating its journey to you, dear readers. Despite that sentiment, we have to learn when to cut our losses, and so I haven't done any major writing in comic scripts for months now.

On to the good news: Shauna O'Meara, a fellow member of the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild, who I commissioned in 2013 for the cover images above and on my Twitter profile (as well as lots of other cool ideas for the AGCs on her Flickr profile here) is still on board for something related to Exhumana, once she has completed an assortment of exciting, high-profile jobs that she took on in the interim.

My intent is to reshape the world and ideas into a brand new story, something more mainstream -- not so to say, by "dumbing it down" by any means, but rather to sell the story as a more conventional magazine comic.

When the time comes, I also hope to open up about this process and remain accountable to readers on this blog for more updates, craft studies and so on. Being so fresh-faced, these will be more for my own development than for instruction, you can be certain.

That about wraps up this post -- thank you for reading. I'll see you in mankind's terrible and exciting future!

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